By Xavier James
Should you feel sorry for a white man in America who doesn't have a job? No. Absolutely not. Of course I just increased my hate mail by another 33%. Not to mention being called racist; an allegation that is completely unfounded but also impossible.
Anyway, my colleague and I went to 7-11 on our lunch break. And posted up in front of the store was a young, 23 or 24 year old white guy begging for money. My co-worker gave him some change, I just kept walking. But my co-worker, who's Black by the way, felt like I should have contributed to the pot. I disagreed and here's why;
A long time ago a middle age white guy told me out of his own mouth; "I don't feel sorry for any white man in America who doesn't have a job. A white man can get a job, credit or property simply because of the color of his skin. If he ain't working its his own dam fault." That was 20 years ago and I never forgot it. And he was right. Most white men don't feel sorry for other white men who don't have a job, but I am expected to?
For centuries white men built a race based society and put mechanisms into place to guarantee their economic success. But he didn't stop there. He then put into place laws that would guarantee the economic downfall of all non-whites.
But by some miracle non-whites were able to succeed against all the calculated obstacles and oppression. And in many cases rise above many of the whites who laid traps for them. The white male has an entire society built for his success, however if one fails I'm required to feel his pain? Nonsense. And at the end of the day the white guy begging in front of the store isn't going to blame himself or his fellow countrymen for not having a job, no he's going to blame Blacks or Mexicans.
Blacks will blame unemployment on the fact that they are Black, and Mexicans won't complain, they will just work. Everyone will blame unemployment on *something*, no matter the color.
Blacks identify the cause; A system designed to keep them unemployed. Whites look for a scapegoat for not succeeding in a system literally built for tyheir success. Mexicans will except anything you give them because anything you give them is a step up from where they come from.
your comment is based off emotion instead of evidence or fact. I suggest you start studying
Its about time, the tables were turned anyway, if God is real then its only fair that everyone experiences the same joys and difficulties in life....... But is life fair?
You know why society favors white people? Because white people built it! If you want to see what kind of societies black people have managed to build on their own, just look to Africa. No more narrative needed. Instead of looking for reasons why black people are kept down, why not look at how the white race has built societies, educated itself, developed infrastructure and continually pushed the envelope – and then learn from it!
Well anonymous, Africa is the way it is because of white further narrative needed. What societies could white folks have built when they were crawling around on all fours-in the caves of Europe? White folks are the only people on the planet earth who were cave dwellers. You even have commercials saying "so easy even a cave man can do it." The world had been turning for thousands of years before you exited those dark, disease infested caves. Then it took you another thousand years to figure out the world wasn't flat. That one still puzzles me.
White folks never created societies. They stole, copied and highjacked everyone elses. Gun powder and explosives were invented by the so called yellow man.Science,religion,astrology,mathand medicine were created by the Black(African)man.Farming and the like were invented by the so called Red man, who fed the starving white man who then turned around and killed him too.
The West was stolen from the so called Brown man-where names like San Diago and New Mexico come from. Descendants of great cultures themselves-Aztecs, Incas,Mayans,etc,. Nine out of ten inventions in America were invented by Blacks;some of which were slaves at the time.
Famine decimated Africa, while Slavery forced the people to flee and leave everything behind.A Black architect designed D.C.and Memphis is named after an African city that had been in existence for thousands of years before you exited the caves.
The only thing the white man brought to a world that had been turning for thousands of years was syphilis,beastiality,homosexuality,the Pope and A.I.D.S. Even Christmas was some grossed out Greek orgy where men gave eachother gifts before sodomizing eachother.
White man find out who you are and where you come from befofe leaving ignorant ass comments-JESUS CHRIST-pick up a book!
I am a black man coming to terms with systemic white supremacy. I enjoy the notion that African history is greater than it appears, I entertain the idea, and am searching for more information. My hunger for African history has always been a hot burn in my heart.
The hardest thing for me right now though is that I grew up in a white neighbourhood, and all my friends are white. I have family members who are white. I always thought that I was %100 integrated. Not to mention I live in Canada, and we like to pretend our shit doesn't stink. Well my own internalized racism is finally catching up with me. I have experienced racism in the workplace and understand that my skin can and will affect my life. This all really sucks, especially since I have next to no black friends.
What the hell do you say to a black man who's father is white?! As ignorant and pompous as my dad may be he loves me and has been there for me. He is not evil. He is oblivious, and I am totally unprepared.
I wouldn't categorize all "whites" as racist. I would say that most are heavily indoctrinated to believe in their superiority. White people still love and hate, and have deep friendships and open minds, and are deserving of their humanity. I think that black people do have the ability to have a racist mentality. I understand that institutionalized racism is largely a white construct, but who's to say that blacks who have a racist mentality wouldn't create institutionalized racism if they could? I think the argument that blacks can't be racist is counter productive and sounds lame in an argument.
Anyway this post is totally scattered and now I am afraid has turned into a wall of text.
I now can see how serious the situation is , and am aware that there IS a war against Black, but we need more in depth conversation. Am I supposed to leave one racist paradigm for another? Can we recognize the racism and horror and confront it, and act from a better understanding.
500 years later was a good film without all the hate. Thanks for the recommendation. ;D
You have an identity crisis and have been living in the clouds until you, like most, bump into racism at some point in your life. White Folks call people like you "Mulotto," "halfbreed," or even "bastard." No Afrikan culture had such terms.But I'm still trying to figure out how is my stating facts slander? Look up the meaning of slander. As far as white folks being cavemen; go to a museum sometimes dam. Here's a question for you buddy-Have you ever seen a BLACK caveman? I rest my case!
"You have an identity crisis and have been living in the clouds until you, like most, bump into racism at some point in your life."
This is true, but how do I deal with the reality that I am half white?
When you put all of the negative things in white peoples history in a row it comes across as slander.
Do you believe in good and evil?
Do you think that all white people are evil?
Is the goal of the afrocentric movement to destroy the system, or destroy the people?
I appreciate your response. I have very few people to talk to who see it from your perspective.
I have always been a fierce defender of black people, and I love my black identity. Although I am comming to terms with my love (in a bad way) of white skin. My programming and the reality of present day racism.
Please be as unssencored as you must. I am sincerely seeking your opinion.
This is such a true story where I live. Illegals coming to work for their money while lazy white people prefer to stand at intersections and beg for handouts (money, food, or "anything will help"). Maybe they are the ones that should be thrown out of the country... which by the way, is not their country. Native Americans were here way before they ever arrived and I'm sure those white "settlers" didn't go through the proper paper work to come to America.
I like how you state it is impossible for you to be racist just before going off on an elaborate racist rant that continued in the comment sections. Not only are you racist, you are the worst and most dangerous type of racist. "Educated" racists such as yourself don't learn with an open mind. You're not on any quest for knowledge or higher understanding. You're simply on a mission to uncover any historical information you can use and interpret and twist and pervert to support your ideology of hate. You're a straight up Adolf Hitler level racist. The only difference is that you, thankfully, have no power beyond this stupid little blog to spread the hate that lives inside of you.
First off you don't know what kind of power I have. Second, Like most racists and white folks, you get upset and completely hostile when someone tells you the truth to your face. You wanted it sugar coated so that it would go down better. Oddly, you didnt point out anything Ive ever said that was false or inaccurate. The truth is hurting you so you in turn lash out at me and not your own greedy, jeolous, lying, two-faced,christian,parents or grandparents. SHAMEFUL!
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